jeudi 2 avril 2015

can mysqldump run without starting mysqld?

OK, the problem is my system crash, I spend 1 whole day to fix and now only can login as root but all those httpd and mysqld could not start.

I have a wordpress installed, the mysql have innodb database in it, I try to copy all those file to the new server but when I restart the mariadb it said log file size blah blah blah error.

I try to set innodb_force_recovery = 1, not work...

I try create a new db with wordpress, it is ok but I can't import my old data with those file, so I need a method to gen some sql from the old file and import it to the new server.

If mysqldump must need mysqld running, is there any other method for me to do that in my old system that could not start mysqld anymore?

can mysqldump run without starting mysqld?

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