mercredi 1 avril 2015

user php.ini error when system try to remove it, how to fix this?

Here is the error:

User added to ssh config file.

Script output: /usr/local/directadmin/scripts/custom/

cp: cannot create regular file `/home/ostoslista/domains/': Permission denied Can't remove /home/ostoslista/domains/ Operation not permitted, skipping file. Can't remove /home/ostoslista/domains/ Operation not permitted, skipping file. Can't remove /home/ostoslista/domains/ Operation not permitted, skipping file. chown: changing ownership of `/home/ostoslista/domains/': Operation not permitted chmod: changing permissions of `/home/ostoslista/domains/': Operation not permitted

Regards, Niko H.

user php.ini error when system try to remove it, how to fix this?

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