mercredi 27 août 2014

Hi, I'm Kirsty, banded August 2014. My post op dairy

Hi. Many of our stories will be similar. The constant battle with food weight. My own battle has lasted 35 years. I am 54

I have wanted a band for years since my best friend has had great success with the one she had fitted 6 years ago. I was put off by the fear of the op and complications.

I spent a weekend with my friend mid July. I saw the control she had over her eating and looked at how good she looked and felt and I guess the misery of the entrapment within my fat body and the weariness of the relentless circling merry go round of, starting a diet, lasting till 10am or lunch time, feeling like a failure who had blown it, binging out of the misery - waking up again the next morning praying to someone/anyone to give me the power back over food became just too much for me.

I came home on the Monday, called the Nuffield in Glasgow. Had to wait two weeks to see me Galloway. Had a date for surgery within two weeks of seeing him. Got myself a 19 month interest free purchase credit card, got paid up. Joined this forum, got on the the pre op my ass on that trolley...and passed out!!!!- decision to go for it to operation 4 weeks....scary eh?

So here I am. A bandit! On the losers bench! And never felt so convinced I made the right decision. Since making the decision I have never felt happier

At my heaviest I was 16st 4lb. When I saw the surgeon I weighed 15st 5. On the day of my op I weighed 14st 4. Today I weigh 13st 13 and a half pounds

I know we know it will be a huge life style change. But do any of you still go to the supermarket and want to buy food? I went in for some yoghurt so the other day and found myself in the salad section wandering about...what is that all about?

I woke up today after a snooze dreaming I was eating a galaxy ripple. I could feel the chocolate melting on my tongue

I am now wondering what I am going to do to fill the food void. I realise what a huge part of my life food ruled my life

Any invitations would elicit the thought "I wonder what kind of spread they will have on". A trip to the movies was "oh I wonder if I will have popcorn or nachos or maybe both" and on and on. I ate to celebrate, I ate to cheer myself up, I ate to be sociable, I ate when I was bored. I ATE!

so, I am a excited and nervous about this journey I have embarked on. But know that the people on this forum are so supportive and friendly that I will be popping in to read your stories. Hopefully at some time in the future, I will be able to offer support to others

Hi, I'm Kirsty, banded August 2014. My post op dairy

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