mardi 19 août 2014

How is funding eligibility determined?


Does anyone know exactly what factors are looked at before funding is approved or declined? How is the decision made to fund someone's surgery, do they look at all your medical records or is it largely contingent upon the GPs letter? Just curious. Although it's impossible to know until I have an actual appointment, I'm still fishing around here trying to find out why my funding was approved and what it means! I've had mixed feedback on this so far - some of you believe it means a lot, some believe it means very little until you've had an appointment and gotten actual feedback from the MDT.

(I've already written this in another post, so without wanting to bore everyone senseless with my details I'll mention that am pre-diabetic, have high BP and cholesterol, and being investigated for sleep apnea (diagnosed by my doctor but not by ENT yet, no sleep study).

Thanks for your contributions! It's great having a whole crowd to chat to. :D

How is funding eligibility determined?

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